Peptide Music
Our Peptide Music is composed and designed using the vibrational signature and frequency specifics of the therapeutic peptide molecule. We believe listening to them might produce similar biological/therapeutic effects as ingesting the chemical molecule via the “Vibration-Activity Relationship,” a hypothesized alternative to the “Structure-Activity Relationship.”

These Peptide Music tracks are composed and designed using the vibrational signature and frequency specifics of the therapeutic peptide molecule that have been shown to have antimicrobial effects in the human organism.
These Peptide Music tracks are composed and designed using the vibrational signature and frequency specifics of the therapeutic peptide molecule that have been shown to have anti-inflammation effects in the human organism.

Immune System
These Peptide Music tracks are composed and designed using the vibrational signature and frequency specifics of the therapeutic peptide molecule that have been shown to have immunomodulatory effects in the human organism.