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Course Description

If you are reading this, chances are high that you are interested in Sound Therapy and Healing. You might be an enthusiast curious to expand your knowledge base on the subject of Sound Therapy. And you are not the type that settles for less-than-awesome.


Or maybe, you are an aspiring sound therapist at the crossroad of decision. You are wondering if a practice in sound therapy is what you truly want. You need to be sure you have all it takes to start strong and run a uniquely successful practice. Nothing must be left to chance, so you want to know, concisely, the science behind sound therapy. You would also love to acquire the most innovative skills and explore the latest techniques in the field of sound therapy. Most importantly, you would love to have all these legitimate yearnings met in one package.


It could also be that you are already a practicing sound therapist. But you feel there must be more to the science behind your practice than you presently know. You might be feeling stuck to a one-size-fits-all technique that treats every client the same way. The banal routine gets to you sometimes, and you earnestly wish you could customize your sound therapy protocols to suit the specific vibrational needs of your clients. You know that would be awesome but how on earth are you going to achieve that? What tool, skill, or technique would enable you to diagnose your clients’ energy system to know the exact sound they need per time? Is there such a biofeedback system that you could easily access without having to bleed your purse? Could such a biofeedback system also enable you to check the efficacy of your sound therapy sessions on your clients?


If you are any of these three lovely souls, then accept my congratulations ahead of time. You are about to strike gold because I had you in mind while creating this course. I envisioned a course that will equip the digital-age sound therapist with the science, hands-on skills, and the necessary tools to revolutionize alternative healthcare. And here, I present to you the dream sound therapy course: MODERN TECHNIQUES IN SOUND THERAPY & HEALING.


This course holds very unique benefits and juicy takeaways which you would find in the lecture overview drafted below. But before you get to the lecture summary, I would like to list some of the obvious benefits.



  • You will learn and be able to concisely explain the science behind Sound Therapy and Healing.


  • You will learn how Quantum Physics connects with sound therapy; and how that knowledge is applied in designing effective sound therapy protocols.


  • You will learn and practice how to use the human voice - as biofeedback for energy diagnosis and monitoring. This will eliminate guesswork, and help you know exactly what sound therapy intervention is needed per time. It will as well enable you - to graphically see the effects of your practice on your clients.


  • You will learn and be able to analyze human speech; to see how energy is flowing through the human organism - at any given point in time.


  • You will have access to all the software and digital tools you need to practice what you’d learn in this course, including my proprietary voice analysis template, and a set of studio-grade sound files, specially designed and produced by me. So, you’d be ready to practice right away.



Below is an overview of the 14 lectures of this course. It’s a highlight of the course content, as well as what you would learn and be able to do after completing each lecture.



Lecture 1

In this lecture, we will briefly recap the classical physics principles that underlie the practice of sound therapy. Our focus here will narrow down to the concept of Energy, Vibration, and Sound.

At the end of this lecture, you'd be able to answer the following questions:


  1. What is Energy?

  2. What is Vibration?

  3. How does Energy or Vibration relate to Sound?

  4. What are the classical characteristics of sound energy that will assist our understanding of sound therapy?


Being able to unambiguously answer these questions will lay a good foundation for understanding the physics of Sound Therapy.



Lecture 2

You might have probably heard in a thousand different ways how that everything in the universe is made of energy. In this lecture, you'd get to learn how physicists arrived at that conclusion.

You would also see how and why scientific logic supports the idea that the human organism is an energy system.  Establishing this idea is important because it provides the basis for the therapeutic use of sound energy.



Lecture 3

Building on the idea that the human organism is an energy system, I will introduce you to the novel concept of ‘Vibrational Homeostasis’. This concept will help us to construct a physics-based model of disease and holistic health.

Sound is energy and is possessed of the quality of vibration. If Sound is to be used to influence health and alter a disease status, then logic grants, that health, disease, and healing must be explainable in terms of energy and vibration.

At the end of this lecture, you will be able to confidently offer such an explanation.



Lecture 4:

A lot of times, we hear energy medicine practitioners blabbing ‘quantum this and quantum that’ – when trying to explain holistic healing in terms of energy. Most of what they put out is cheap hype and fanciful woo-woo; which hasn’t helped the scientific prospects of energy medicine practice.

In this lecture, you will gain the right perspective, on how the famous Quantum Theory connects with energy medicine in general, and sound therapy in particular.

You will learn about the quantum phenomenon of Energy Quantization and the accompanying phenomenon of Frequency Quantization.

And probably for the first time, you will see how music; which is appropriately defined as organized sound, could not have been possible without the Energy-Frequency Quantization of chaotic sound.



Lecture 5:

Lecture five picks up from where lecture four ends. I will focus more light on the quantum phenomenon of Frequency Quantization, and my hypothesis on its role in maintaining an optimal state of holistic health.

I will present a deductive argument; that the mathematical laws that impose frequency quantization on chaotic sound, in the process of creating musical order, must equally be applicable in maintaining vibrational equilibrium in the human energy system.

You will learn about the hypothesis resulting from this deductive argument and how it assisted me in developing a voice-based biofeedback system that measures and monitors vibrational homeostatic activities in the human energy system.



Lecture 6:

In the first lecture; I mentioned the law of octaves and the phenomenon of resonance. These two terms are also featured in the summary of my hypothesis in lecture five. So, I will dedicate lecture six to explaining them. I will also demonstrate the application of the law of octaves using the quantized musical notes of a piano.

You will learn, concisely, the meaning and application of the law of octaves, and the phenomenon of resonance.

You will also have a first glimpse of how the law of octaves and resonance can be exploited to influence vibrational homeostasis in any desired direction.



Lecture 7:

In this lecture, I will introduce my proprietary voice-based biofeedback system, which I call Ikwan’s Voice Biofeedback System or iVBS for short.

You will learn how the principles elucidated in the first six lectures helped me to develop the biofeedback system, and why it is an indispensable tool for the modern sound therapist.

You will also learn about FORMANTS, the biofeedback data at the heart of iVBS.



Lecture 8:

In this lecture, I will start a hands-on mini-series on how to run a typical iVBS session.

At the end of this lecture, you will be able to install the components of iVBS - the open-source software and the analysis spreadsheet template.



Lecture 9:

This is the second part of the hands-on mini-series on how to run a typical iVBS session.

At the end of this hands-on lecture, you will be able to record a voice sample or speech wave, using the open-source software component iVBS.

You will also be able to load remotely recorded voice samples and get them ready for formant extraction.



Lecture 10:

This is the third part of the hands-on mini-series on how to run a typical iVBS session.

You will learn and be able to use the open-source software component of iVBS, to extract formant data from voice samples or speech wave.



Lecture 11:

This is the fourth and concluding part of the hands-on mini-series on how to run a typical iVBS session.

At the end of this lecture, you will be able to load voice formant data into the proprietary spreadsheet workbook and conduct an energy-frequency analysis of your subject.

You will be able to read and interpret the results of the analysis in terms of vibrational equilibrium and be able to monitor innate vibrational homeostatic activities.

You will be able to use iVBS to determine the holistic health status of your subject by studying and interpreting the energy-frequency distribution shown graphically on the analysis spreadsheet.



Lecture 12:

In terms of energy medicine, maintaining vibrational equilibrium within the human energy system is the whole essence of holistic health.

This lecture begins another mini-series; and I will be teaching you how to apply the science, the tools, and the techniques taught in this course, to restore and maintain vibrational equilibrium within the human energy system.

In this mini-series, you will learn how the mathematical ratios of musical harmonics create musical intervals, and how the resonance characteristics of musical intervals result in the phenomena of consonance and dissonance.

You will also learn how consonance and dissonance are applied in sound therapy to assist in maintaining vibrational equilibrium, and holistic health.



Lecture 13:

This is the second part of the mini-series on how to maintain vibrational equilibrium within the human energy system.

In this lecture, I will throw more light on the musical phenomena of consonance and dissonance.

You will learn how the complexity of frequency ratios helps us to accurately arrange musical intervals, from the most consonant to the most dissonant.

You will also be able to apply this knowledge in determining the best root frequency for designing sound therapy protocols aimed at specific therapeutic goals.



Lecture 14:

This is the third and concluding part of the mini-series on how to maintain vibrational equilibrium within the human energy system.

In this final lecture, I will present a case study to demonstrate how the totality of everything you will learn in this course can be put to practical use. In the process, I will introduce you to yet another innovative tool – a set of therapeutic sound files – which will be made available for you to use in your practice.

At the end of this lecture, you will become the caliber of sound therapist I had in mind while creating this course. A digital-age sound therapist that is adequately equipped with the science, hands-on skills, and the necessary tools to revolutionize alternative healthcare.

If that sounds like what you would love, then join me in this course, and let's get cracking.



The primordial essence of wellness and natural healing is encoded in Genes. Call it the genie of the genes, and you won't be wrong.

With Genosonics, you can awaken this genie and harness its tremendous power for natural healing and optimal wellness. 

Genosonics is the medicine of music and sound frequencies, predicted by Edgar Cayce, and Albert Einstein. We scientifically tweak the musical sounds of genes, proteins, and peptides to produce therapeutic effects. So, you could also call it Gene Music Therapy. 

The technology behind Genosonics springs from the modern science of Genomics, Molecular Biology, Quantum Physics, and Musicology. It is complementary medicine on a whole different level, and we can't wait for you to try it out.

#Genosonics #ComplementaryMedicine #MusicMedicine #SoundMedicine #GeneMusicTherapy #GeneTherapy #MusicTherapy #SoundTherapy #SoundHealing




© 2021 by Genosonics. 

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